Anton Gromov
There are more good things than bad things about our future

8 (923) 406-44-29

Anton Gromov

Most of people say that we will have more good things than bad things about our future. I agree with these people, and I think so too. Every man must develop during his life. He must always learn; he must recognize something new; he must constantly try to move forward. That is why our humanity constantly develops and moves forward. We always invent something new; we constantly increase our base of knowledge, we try to develop and move our world forward. Today we have many various things in our life: different electronic devices, different modern cars and many other things. These things help us and it improve our life.

Now I am in Dubai. I am sitting on the balcony in the hotel and writing this composition. I see many nice skyscrapers and big buildings. These buildings are located around the marina. There are many beautiful big and small yachts in the marina. There are many various restaurants and cafes around the marina. It’s a very nice place. All these things were built and created by people. That is why I think that we will have more good things than bad things about our future, because we constantly try to develop and to move forward.

I want to say a little about bad things. As we know, we have good and evil in our world. I think that we will have much evil in the future. These bad things are: war, different vices of people and etc. These bad things were always and will be always, but we know that good always wins and everything will be fine.

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