Антон Шмаргунов, возраст 32 года
Travel broadens the mind

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Антон Шмаргунов, возраст 32 года

Movement is life. Actually any new impressions change our world outlook a little. In usually environment people are accustomed to ignore all beautiful and interesting things around them. It’s funny that I like to go to Moscow museums but I’ve never been in Tomsk’s ones. And so do Muscovites. Usually they don’t know how to get to pretty famous places and they very rarely (if ever been) go to museums or theaters. In another unfamiliar place we finally open eyes and look around like children. You see the beauty of the nature or of ancient towns. You begin to analyze the behavior of people. In other words, you begin to percept the information.

Антон Шмаргунов, возраст 32 года

It is interesting that people returned from military complain, like from the hike in 1813-1814 after the Patriotic war 1812 and from the abroad offensive in the World War II, had changed. And it’s not only because of the horror of the war and because of the victory. They were watching the new world. Yes, they’ve changed. And in 1825 it cause the rebellion and perhaps the “Khruchyov’s thaw” was the result of such change.

Movement is life. Movement on a circle leads to energy loss. Planets in the solar system lose the energy. And if the sun isn’t burn them when it becomes a “red giant” they will finally fall on what remains from the sun – a “white dwarf”. Only the development and the exit from the accustomed, convenient and warm world could push you on a new orbit of your life.

Anton Shmargunov

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