Azamat Alibekov. 12 Years old.
Some people think that you can have only one true friend.

8 (923) 406-44-29

Azamat Alibekov. 12 Years old.

I would say the truth is a thing that everybody can imagine for himself! Everybody’s truth is different! Everybody can say his own opinion.

I think that the truth is a thing that goes from the heart, not from the brain! I think that the truth sometimes can be a lie. But the truth sometimes comes to our life!

I would say that true friends are not the thing you can pay attention to. True friends are the best people in the world after your family! And they care about you like your family do. A true friend understands you very good. He knows you! If you are smiling he will smile too, but if he sees that you are crying, he will try to understand you and to help you to smile again! I think that a person can have only one true friend. Because if the friend is true you will spend a lot of time with him or her. So you will not have enough time for everyone!

But if you care about everyone you will have a lot of friends, but only few of them will care about you like you do! I think that everybody should have a lot of friends, but only few good once!

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