Dushinov Andrey, 28 years old
In today’s world, Facebook, twitter, MySpace

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Dushinov Andrey, 28 years old

In today’s world, Facebook, twitter, MySpace, are common websites for people to meet and make acquaintances. It has become a part of our daily lives. Are social networking sites good for our society? Express your opinion. To tell the truth, the theme of social networking sites was very actual in the past decade. Let us start to consider it from different angles.

On the one hand, such websites as Facebook, Twitter, VK turn out to be good helpers to get the latest news. To be quite frank, it is very comfortable to subscribe to certain channels and to receive news. I happened to use Telegram for it. Telegram is not a social network but it has channels too. Usually life in social networks goes quicker than in real life. To create news on TV you need to spend lots of your time and forces while to type 140 characters in Twitter is easy and fast. Because of it, social networking sites are the best sources of spreading news. I am also convinced that to use social networking sites in order to meet or make acquaintances is a good idea. You will sufficiently write to somebody to meet. It will take a couple of minutes for you. Besides, you need not spend your money on calling in this case.

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