Kasitskaya Polina, 19 Years old
Run your own business!

8 (923) 406-44-29

Kasitskaya Polina, 19 Years old

Nowadays the great majority of people want to realize themselves and the best way how to achieve it at work is to run your own business.

On the one hand, it is really great to have your own matter which you like because it is a well-known fact that when you work in a field or area that you really enjoy, it compels you to continue working and achieve success. What is more, your own business brings your income in pure form and you can make much more money than when you work for someone else.

Moreover, it is good for people who are able to deal with stuff and difficult situations which can appear, such person should be prompt, responsible, well-disciplined, and in addition such person should have inner freedom and courage, and also the owner of the business should have a strong and bright personality. Furthermore, this person should have all round education and have a lot of interesting ideas for the future deed in order to have a perspective and income business. We should not forget about self-realisation because it is so important when you put your own ideas into practice, and see what works and what doesn’t and certainly you take personal satisfaction of creating and running a successful business on your own.

On the other hand, many people prefer not to be so risky because you may have a large financial risk, and this situation is terrible for everyone, because you lose not only your earnings but one more important thing which is called confidence in your strength. Besides, much time could be eaten by the details of running a business, not those things you enjoy, because this process is really complicated and it should be prepared properly. Without any doubt you may need to learn new disciplines, like filing and bookkeeping, inventory control, production planning, advertising and promotion, market research and general management. It also requires much time and efforts.

In conclusion I would like to say that in my opinion if you have all necessary ingredients for starting your own business such as a genius idea, an initial contribution and bravery, you must try yourself in it.

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