Shah Katerina , 23 Years old
Many people feel private education gives young people a better chance of having a successful life

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Shah Katerina , 23 Years old


Many people feel private education gives young people a better chance of having a successful life. Others think it is better to send children to normal, free, state school

One cannot deny that today there are many different ways to get new knowledge. But for many people it is really a problem to choose the most effective mode of education.

Let us consider what the advantages and disadvantages of private education are.

Doubtless, private education gives you a higher quality of knowledge. The teacher spends lesson`s time only for you and every your question will not be without the answer. It is a very significant thing, because such kind of education lets grow up your level of professionalism with a very high speed.


Nevertheless, one should accept that high level of knowledge isn`t everything for normal children`s development. I am absolutely agree with such statement that human is a social creature and for normal development, we need to live in society. Children must communicate with other children and learn how to decide many different problems in society.


In conclusion I’d like to say that the kind of education depends on what aim you have. And also I think that the best way is to combine many different kinds of education to get more and more positive changes in every aspect of your life.

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