Упражнение 32

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Моя книга » There is/There are » Упражнения »Упражнение 32

тест (test) на основную отработку: somewhere, anywhere, everywhere, nowhere.

Exercise 32

Вставьте: somewhere, anywhere, everywhere, nowhere.

  1. I can find your socks (…) under the table, in the middle of the room, on the chair…
  2. I can’t find my glasses (…).
  3. Do you know where my glasses are? I can find them (…).
  4. You can find this disk in any shop. You can find it (…).
  5. Does she live (…) here? - Yes, she lives (…) here.
  6. Are you going (…) tomorrow? I am going (…). I am staying at home.
  7. Let’s drive (…)on Sunday. I can’t go (…). I am busy.
  8. Do you know where Nick is? I can’t find him (…).
  9. I am tired of seeing this woman every time. She is (…)
  10. Can I find Robert (…) here? Yes, you can. But nobody knows where he is now.
  11. Is the sport center (…) here? Yes, it’s (…) here. But I don’t know where it is.
  12. This road leads (…). It’s a blind alley.
  13. There is (…) to sit. All seat are occupied
  14. You can get (…) if you know how to use your tongue.
  15. In Moscow you can get (…) by the underground.
  16. During the rush hour you can get by taxi (…)

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